Author name: Ahmad_Seo

Machine Learning and AI

Machine Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Comparison?

WHAT IS MACHINE LEARNING? Machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are related to each other in a way that machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that involves developing algorithms and statistical models that enable computers to automatically learn and improve from experience. In other words, it is a process of teaching computers …

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What is coding for kids?

What is Computer coding for kids?

Coding for kids is the process of teaching children computer programming skills in a fun and engaging way. It involves introducing children to the basics of programming through interactive activities, games, and exercises that encourage problem-solving and logical thinking. Coding for kids typically involves teaching programming languages like Scratch, Python, or JavaScript, and providing resources …

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Future Job Prospect

Why Coding Is Important For Future Job Prospects?

Coding has become an essential skill for future job prospects because technology is rapidly advancing, and many industries are becoming more reliant on software and digital tools. Coding gives us a wide variety of careers like research, RPA (Robotic Process Automation), and Software development and helps in technical operations. Since experience keeps on Increasing, computer …

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