Online Coding courses for kids

Online Programming Courses for kids

There are many online programming courses for kids available which can help them develop skills in programming, web development, game design, and more. Coding courses help kids to enhance their productivity. Through different coding courses kids can become more creative by practicing the skill.

Coding courses helps kids to learn faster and also give rise to curiosity factor in kids to learn more about how it can be done and in how many ways it can be done. There are many programming languages which kids can learn depending on their age.

For any nation their young generation is their asset. If they grow mentally strong and physically fit, then they can compete with the world to earn some reputation for their country. So, the need of the hour is to provide the young generation with the skills which can help them to do so.

Online Programming Courses For Kids

We provide the following online programming courses for kids from grades 1-12. Courses details are listed below:

Coding courses for kids

1- Scratch Programming:

Scratch is a free visual programming language developed by MIT. With such online programming courses for kids, can create games, stories, and animations by dragging and dropping code blocks. Scratch is a block-based programming language which means it does not use any syntax. Kids from grades 1-6 can start learning this coding course today!


  • Video Games
  • Short Stories
  • Animations

2- Python Programming:

With the variety of coding courses in the digital world. Python programming is on top of the list and in-demand programming language. Its importance is due to its use in almost every language. We provide these online programming courses for kids in three different modules. Classes for kids are flexible to their schedule.


  • Python is considered a key part of AI programming languages.
  • Its use ranges from website development to deep learning.

3- Website Development:

TeenyCoders offer website development courses to kids from grade 6-12. This coding course covers topics such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. Since the world is shifting from traditional business to a digital world. Every business needs a website. So, the market needs more website developers.

Applications of website development:

  • E-commerce store
  • Education: CMS and LMS
  • Online store

4- Android App Development:

The Android App development course focuses on such mobile apps which operate on android. Our android app development course uses object oriented programming (OOP) Java and SQL-lite for the database.

Applications of android app development:

  • E-commerce store
  • Education: CMS and LMS
  • Online store
  • Blog etc.

5- Machine Learning:

Machine learning is a highly in-demand coding course for kids from grades 6-12. In this course, kids will learn the fundamentals of machine learning and different algorithms. Using these algorithms kids will learn how to train the machine learning model for the extraction of useful information.

Applications of Machine Learning:

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Deep Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Sentimental Analysis
  • Prediction field with machine learning


These are just a few examples of the many coding courses available for kids. It’s important to find a course that suits your child’s interests and learning style and to encourage them to explore different areas of coding to find what they enjoy most.

FAQs: Where can Kids learn Online Coding courses??

TeenyCoders is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses accredited from STEM, including coding courses for kids. Our courses are created by professional instructors and cover topics such as game design using scratch programming, python programming, machine learning, web development, and app development.