YEARWEEK Function MySQL: Important Database Functions

For anyone working with dates in a MySQL database, the YEARWEEK function can be a game-changer. This powerful function simplifies tasks involving analyzing data based on weekly or yearly trends. Whether you’re tracking website traffic, managing sales figures, or analyzing project timelines, the function can unlock valuable insights from your data.

YEARWEEK Function: What it Does

MySQL YEARWEEK Function serves a clear purpose: combining the year and week number for a given date into a single value. This consolidated value simplifies tasks like:

  • Grouping Data by Week: Easily group your data based on the week it belongs to, providing a clear overview of weekly trends.
  • Identifying Seasonal Patterns: Analyze data across different weeks within a year to uncover seasonal variations or patterns.
  • Comparing Weekly Performance: Track and compare performance metrics (e.g., sales, website visits) across different weeks throughout the year.

Basic Syntax:

Here’s the basic syntax for the function.


date_expression represents the date value (e.g., ‘2024-05-13’) or a column containing date values in your table.

Function returns a value in the following format:

  • YYYYWW (e.g., 202420 for the week containing May 13th, 2024)


Note: The first digit represents the year, and the last two digits represent the week number (ranging from 01 to 53).


Practical Applications of YEARWEEK

Let’s explore some practical applications of the MYSQL function:

Scenario 1: Analyzing Weekly Website Traffic

Imagine you have a table storing website traffic data for each day. You can use the YEARWEEK function to group the data by week and analyze website visits across different weeks throughout the year. This allows you to identify peak traffic periods, potential seasonal trends, and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.


Scenario 2: Comparing Weekly Sales Figures

For a sales table containing daily sales records, Function can help compare sales performance across different weeks. This can reveal patterns, identify slow sales weeks, and inform strategies to boost sales during specific periods.


Scenario 3: Monitoring Project Progress by Week

In project management, function can be used to track project milestones achieved within specific weeks. This allows you to monitor progress, identify potential delays, and ensure projects stay on track.


Optional Arguments for YEARWEEK Function

The YEARWEEK function offers an optional argument (mode) that allows you to specify how the first week of the year is defined:

  • mode = 0 (default): Considers the first week as the one with at least 4 days in the new year.
  • mode = 1: Defines the first week as the one containing the first day of the year, regardless of the number of days in that week. (This is the most common mode used)
  • Other modes (2-7): Apply alternative definitions for the first week based on specific calendar systems.

Remember to consult the MySQL documentation for detailed information on these modes.

Conclusion: Simplifying Date Analysis with YEARWEEK Function

The YEARWEEK function in MySQL provides a powerful tool for working with dates and extracting valuable insights from your data. By incorporating YEARWEEK into your queries, you can streamline data analysis based on weekly and yearly trends, ultimately making informed decisions based on your data.